The Rockhampton 60 and Better program is funded by the Queensland Government. 60 and Better programs can be found in 22 other locations throughout Queensland from Coolangatta in the South to Thursday Island in the North and Charleville in the west. The program works well because it gives older people choices and opportunities to work together to improve their own health and the health of others.
What is it?
60 and Better is a healthy ageing program based on a philosophy of community development, which includes the principles of access, equity, rights and participation. This means working with communities in this case older members of the community to help them identify their physical, social and emotional health needs. It encourages community ownership of the program, with priorities for action determined by the program’s participants. The focus of the program is that it is a program run by older people for older people.
Mission Statement:
To enable older people at a local Community level to participate in decision and activities which affect their health and well-being. Rockhampton 60 and Better endeavors to promote healthy activities for older people and encourage positive community attitudes to ageing.
When and Where?
Rockhampton 60 and Better Program Inc. is managed by a committee made up of 9 seniors from the Rockhampton community. The committee meets monthly. An Annual General Meeting is held on the 1st Wednesday in October each year, A guest speaker is always invited. This meeting is held to encourage people’s participation in the program. We have social gatherings each quarter for members to meet and greet each other. A manager and part time administration assistant are employed by the management committee. The office of 60 and Better is located at 1/248 Quay Street. Office hours are from 9am-3pm Monday to Thursday and from 9am-12.30pm Friday. Please ring before attending to ensure there is someone in the office. We have subbranches located in Mt Morgan, Gracemere and on the Capricorn Coast. Please contact the office for further details.
People 50 years of age and older are invited to become members of the program. Anyone can participate in the 60 and Better activities however, people involved in the program are required to become members. Membership is Free. If you wish to become a member a membership form is to be completed and returned to the 60 and Better office.
Informative newsletters are published that keep members up to date with the latest news about their organisation, health and fitness tips, activities timetable, upcoming special events, puzzle pages and local community information.
All we need now is YOU! Phone 07 4914 0065 or Mobile 0437 398 990 and become a member today.